Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday Update -- WiiWare/VC releases, Review choice

This Monday's WiiWare update caters to my childhood. No, not with Bloons, though I'm sure someone out there will find a puzzle game involving a dart-throwing monkey worth 500 Wii points. Not with Hubert The Teddy Bear Winter Games, either (500 Wii points, apparently childish bears vs bunnies). And, as cool as it looks, not with Tomena Sanner either. Though that one might get checked out at some point in time for 500 as I do heart myself some rhythm-based side-scrollers with severely weird designs. No, all of these are overshadowed in my nostalgic eyes by Blaster Master Overdrive, a remake of the NES Blaster Master. Not sure if it'll be worth 1000 Wii points or get reviewed for that matter but I can't help feeling a huge urge to revisit long hours of getting stuck and frustrated all over again.

On the Virtual Console side of things, we're looking at a single but unique entry from the NES era, Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom. 500 points buys a command-based adventure involving political rebellion, kidnapped royalty, and produce. Really, I can't make stuff like that up. Looks interesting.

Walking away from all that, my review choice. Taking a slight deviation from the proposed schedule, I'll be reviewing Chime this week instead of next. I'd review it right this second but I don't think "go buy it" will suffice.

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